Gwiwer Year 2
If you have any questions or queries about this learning, please contact Miss Csehi or Miss Emmett on or
Miss Csehi or Miss Emmett will be available between the hours of 0900 and 1515.
Here are links to other learning sites that children could access from home.
Top Marks - Complete exciting games to help you develop your addition, subtraction and sequencing skills.
Oxford Owl - Explore e-books and get an extra practice in the Spelling Zone!
Go Noodle - Get your heart beating fast with fun Go Noodle dances!
Cosmic Yoga - Enjoy calm stretches and mindfulness through Cosmic Yoga stories.
Purple Mash - Login and see how many '2Dos' you can complete!
TT Rockstars - Unleash your inner multiplication champion and work through your times tables!