How we ensure children make progress in reading
How we ensure children make progress in reading at St Dennis Primary Academy
- RWI is taught with fidelity as the school's Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme.
- We are a Graduate school with Kernow English Hub to ensure best practice and to implement their aims: to ensure all children make speedy progress in phonics and reading, to develop children's understanding and use of spoken language and to develop children's love of reading.
- Swift analysis of RWI and Accelerated Reader data to informs quality first teaching, interventions and indentification of priority readers.
- Specific groups and individuals are prioritised throughout the year to be focus children in the classroom and receive additional daily support in reading.
- Clear progression of reading skills taught through VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation , retrieval and sequencing / summarising) reading prompts.
- Reading Champion in role identifies specific barriers to reading and ways to overcome them, as detailed in the reading guidance booklet we created.
- Pupil Progress Meetings to target children and adapt provision for children, where necessary.
- Teachers know the expected standards of reading (e.g. RWI - Year 1 children should be at Pink by the end of the autumn term and blue at the end of the year) for their year groups at different points throughout the year.
- Summative assessments including RWI, the STAR Reading Test and NFER inform teaching.
- Children receive interventions in a variety of ways, including: RWI 1:1, Nessy, Toe by Toe, Precision Teaching and RWI Fresh Start.
- Monitoring of the teaching of reading across the school ensures this is high-quality and is focused on research including EEF - Preparing for Literacy between the ages of 3 and 5, Improving Literacy in KS1 and Improving Literacy in KS2.
- We provide training and information to assist parents and carers to support children's reading through information meetings, newsletters, Facebook and via the website.
- Fluency sessions ensure that reading speed and maintaining comprehension of the text are practised.