How we train our staff to become reading experts
How we train staff to be reading experts at St Dennis Primary Academy
- All staff have received recent RWI training through development days led by an approved RWI trainer.
- Staff attend weekly refresher sessions with the Phonics Lead. Practice Maps are kept up to date.
- The school is a partner school with English Hub Kernow and receives termly visits which incorporate training.
- Staff have been trained in reading comprehension strategies through modelling and supported practice.
- Experts have been identified within the school team and peer mentors created to cascade excellence from within.
- Through monitoing, the Reading Lead ensures adherance to the reading guidance booklet best practice.
- SLT offer in-house coaching at the point of teaching.
- Links have been made across Trust schools to give staff the opportunity to observe staff teaching in other settings.
- First phase teaching is high quality across the school and is evident through personalised CPD.
- Trust Lead in place to support any identified training needs.
- Clear timeline of training opportunities has been mapped out with a focus on self review and reflection of individual practice.
- Teaching assistants receive the same CPD opportunities as teachers, and are viewed as teaching partners.
- Reading Lead attends TPAT English network meetings and key information is fed back to all staff.
- A full monitoring schedule is in place to ensure agreed approaches and consistency in reading across the school.