Promoting a love of reading
How we develop a love of reading at St Dennis Primary Academy
- The reading booklet (we created) is used to empower staff and volunteers to be expert readers who model reading skills, discuss texts and share their own love of reading.
- Class teachers read every day to their class through 'Five a Day' in EYFS, Book Share and Book Study (KS1), and Novel Study (KS2).
- Every class has a storytelling chair and a cloak that children and adults can wear.
- Our curriculum promotes a diverse and meaningful reading experience through linking texts and stories to events and occasions e.g. Black History Month in October, Anti-bullying Week in November and Safer Internet Day in February. These texts are used to promote discussion and a sense of belonging, thus promoting teamwork.
Over £200 worth of books won from a competition at Scholastic to diversify our bookshelves!
Year 6 children enjoying a virtual webinar with author Wendy Shearer as part of 'Black History Month'.
- Children show courage to embrace a range of unfamiliar texts based on the 'Five Plagues of Reading' Spine.
Our Spring Book Bingo based on Doug Lemov's 'Five Plagues of Reading' Spine
- A team of Reading Ambassadors in Year 6, promote reading throughout the school and share books with younger children, showing responsibility.
A Year 6 'Reading Ambassadors' reading to Reception children as part of Book Week
- A 'Reading Squad' of volunteers from the local community have been recruited and trained, to share the love of reading across the school.
- Visiting authors, book signings and virtual events create real-life experiences and aspiration.
- We plan to open the library to the community after school once restrictions are lifted.
- Reading displays around the school show recommendations by staff and children and also signpost children to other books they can read, based on authors they already enjoy.
- To promote friendship, comfortable 'Book Nooks' around the school have been created and display texts that link to our core values.
Our Aspiration 'Book Nook' being used in the school foyer!
Our Friendship 'Book Nook' in action.
- The outdoor environment is being renovated to include storytelling chairs and reading areas.
- We hold book based events throughout the year including book fairs, Book Week, 'Stay and Read' sessions and book swaps.
- All achievements are rewarded with books.
Red Reader Book Prizes!
Orange Reader Book Prizes!
Yellow Reader Book Prizes!
- Reading displays in class celebrate achievement in Accelerated Reader.