Ofsted and Performance Data
On 02 and 03 February 2023, we had a full graded two-day inspection by Ofsted.
This was a very detailed and rigorous process which involved discussions about the impact of the pandemic and meetings with the headteacher and other senior leaders, groups of staff, groups of pupils, trust executive leaders, a trustee and members of the local governing body. They also carried out deep dives in early reading, mathematics and RE and for each of these, inspectors discussed the curriculum with subject leaders, visited lessons, spoke to teachers, looked at children’s work and spoke to pupils about their learning. The lead inspector listened to pupils in Years 1, 2 and 3 read to an adult. Inspectors considered how well the school protects pupils and keeps them safe and the lead inspector met with the safeguarding leads to evaluate the effectiveness of safeguarding measures and scrutinised the school’s single central record. Inspectors observed pupils’ behaviour in lessons and around the school site. Additionally, inspectors spoke to pupils to discuss their views about the school. Inspectors spoke to parents at the start of the school day. They also considered the responses to Ofsted Parent View, Ofsted’s online survey, and the staff survey.
We are extremely delighted and proud to inform you that the judgement was ‘Good’ in all areas with the Overall Effectiveness also being ‘Good’.
Overall effectiveness - Good
The quality of education - Good
Behaviour and attitudes - Good
Personal development - Good
Leadership and management - Good
Early years provision – Good
Comments include:
‘St Dennis is built on strong relationships.’
‘Pupils have a great sense of pride in the school.’
‘Pupils show great enthusiasm for learning, including in the early years.’
‘Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Staff share their vision. Leaders do what is best for pupils.’
‘Leaders have planned and established the curriculum carefully.’
‘Leaders have made reading central to the school’s work.’
‘Leaders have crafted a highly effective personal development curriculum.’
‘Governors, in conjunction with the trust, hold leaders to account for the quality of education.’
‘Parents and carers speak positively about the school.’
‘Leaders have established a strong safeguarding culture.’
A full copy of the report is below.
The report is extremely positive and is a fantastic achievement for everyone in our school and the entire St Dennis Primary Academy community. It reflects how amazing our children are and that they remain at the heart of everything we do.
We hope that you will join us in celebrating this great success and ‘spread the word’ in the community about just how amazing our school is and how exceptional its children and staff are.