Lowarn Year 4
If you have any questions or queries about this learning, please contact Mr Bradbeer on dbradbeer@stdennis.academy.
Mr Bradbeer will be available between the hours of 0900 and 1515.
Here are links to other learning sites that children could access from home.
Time Tables Rockstars - Keep your multiplication skills up to speed with fun games and challenges.
NRICH - Find problems to stretch your mathematical thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills.
Accelerated Reader - Keep on quizzing to bump your word count up on all the reading books you complete.
BBC Bitesize - This site has lots of topic-related activities to help with learning.
Oxford Owl - This site has lots of e-books to keep you going and further activities for other core subjects.
Pobble - This site has lots of ideas for writing and developing comprehension, all based around one picture every day.
UK Parliament - Find out about how laws are made and discover where your Member of Parliament attends work.