Godh Year 5
If you have any questions or queries about this learning, please contact Mrs Warren on jwarren@stdennis.academy.
Mrs Warren will be available between the hours of 0900 and 1515.
Here are links to other learning sites that children could access from home.
Oxford Owl - This site has lots of free e-books and spelling and English games.
Top Marks - This site has a range of games for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
SPaG.com - Questions and tests on spelling, punctuation and grammar. Logins are in children's planners.
Times Table Rockstars - Keep practising multiplication facts with fun games and challenges.
Top Marks - Practise rapid recall of key number facts here.
Both of these sites have many videos and exciting experiments on a wide range of science topic learning.
Light Bulb Languages - Practise your Spanish vocabulary here!
All subjects
BBC Bitesize - This site has clips, quizzes and information on a wide range of topics.
Super Movers - Active ways to learn English, maths, Spanish, PSHE and science.